Country records questions This is a list of recently added questions about country records. Country records quiz Which country has the most neighbors? Russia 13162 Germany 3721 Brazil 1863 India 2199 Russia borders with fourteen countries: Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia and North Korea. Ts Share and bring new players to the game! 0 Very uninteresting Too difficult Poorly written Incorrect or questionable Correct this question 3 Very interesting! Map questions Which country borders the highest number of neighbours? Russia 4687 Germany 562 Brasil 399 India 250 Russia borders with 14 countries: Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia and North Korea. smyru Share and bring new players to the game! 0 Very uninteresting Too difficult Poorly written Incorrect or questionable Correct this question 1 Very interesting! Borders questions Which European Union country is the largest by area? France 8478 Sweden 1570 Spain 1533 Germany 2152 With an area of around 643,800 km2, France is the largest country in the European Union. Ninjai Share and bring new players to the game! 0 Very uninteresting Too difficult Poorly written Incorrect or questionable Correct this question wikipedia → France 3 Very interesting! Countries questions What was the largest empire in the history? Spanish Empire 759 Mongol Empire 3072 British Empire 6155 Russian Empire 1431 At its height, the British Empire held sway over 412 million people, 23% of the world population at the time, and it covered 35,500,000 km2, 24% of the Earth's total land area. As a result, its political, legal, linguistic and cultural legacy is widespread. Ninjai Share and bring new players to the game! 0 Very uninteresting Too difficult Poorly written Incorrect or questionable Correct this question wikipedia → British Empire 2 Very interesting! History questions Where is the largest brick church in the World? in Cologne 1023 in Nuremberg 954 in Salzburg 496 in Gdansk 4853 St. Mary's Church- the Basilica of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Polish: Bazylika Mariacka Wniebowzięcia Najświętszej Maryi Panny w Gdańsku), is a Roman Catholic church in Gdańsk, Poland. Its construction began in 1379. With its volume between 185,000 m3 and 190,000 m3 is currently one of the two or three largest brick churches in the world. Ts Share and bring new players to the game! 0 Very uninteresting Too difficult Poorly written Incorrect or questionable Correct this question wikipedia → St. Mary's Church, Gdańsk 0 Very interesting! Poland questions Which of those European countries is the smallest? Liechtenstein 6293 Andorra 3877 Malta 1519 Luxembourg 1377 With an area of just 160 square kilometres Liechtenstein is the fourth smallest country in Europe after Vatican City, Monaco and San Marino. Ninjai Share and bring new players to the game! 0 Very uninteresting Too difficult Poorly written Incorrect or questionable Correct this question wikipedia → Liechtenstein 0 Very interesting! Maps questions In which of these countries has the lowest population density? Canada 1179 Saudi Arabia 399 Russia 1029 Australia 1696 About 19,731,984 people live in Australia on an area of 7,686,550, which gives 2.6 people per km². Next is Canada 3.3, Russia 8.5 and Saudi Arabia 12 people. Ts Share and bring new players to the game! 0 Very uninteresting Too difficult Poorly written Incorrect or questionable Correct this question wikipedia → Lista państw świata według gęstości zaludnienia 3 Very interesting! Population questions Which of the following highly developed countries has the lowest population density? Norway 1462 Australia 2832 Canada 2308 Iceland 2380 Apart from Norway (13 persons / km2), the differences between the remaining three are minimal: Australia 3 people / km2; Iceland 3.1; Canada 3.4 Ts Share and bring new players to the game! 0 Very uninteresting Too difficult Poorly written Incorrect or questionable Correct this question 5 Very interesting! Demography questions Which country has the highest rate of homicide in the world? Columbia 1704 Honduras 1300 South Africa 1207 India 786 According to a report by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Honduras has the highest rate of homicide. Every day an average of 22-23 people are murdered here, which gives over 8,000 a year (85 percent killed by firearms). Ts Share and bring new players to the game! 0 Very uninteresting Too difficult Poorly written Incorrect or questionable Correct this question 3 Very interesting! Weapons questions Which country has the lowest population density? Mongolia 10549 Iceland 5604 Canada 3977 Namibia 1780 The average population density in Mongolia is 1.7 persons / km². If Greenland was a sovereign state (it belongs to Denmark) it would have a score of 0.026 / km². Adols Share and bring new players to the game! 0 Very uninteresting Too difficult Poorly written Incorrect or questionable Correct this question 5 Very interesting! World questions --> Play and see more questions Country records quiz