Human anatomy questions This is a list of recently added questions about human anatomy. Human anatomy quiz Which of the lingual papillae don't contain taste buds? circumvallate 419 filiform 629 foliate 441 fungiform 468 The filiform papillae are the most numerous of the lingual papillae. They are responsible for giving the tongue its texture and the sensation of touch. Unlike the other kinds of papillae, they do not contain taste buds. Ninjai Share and bring new players to the game! 0 Very uninteresting Too difficult Poorly written Incorrect or questionable Correct this question wikipedia → Lingual papillae 4 Very interesting! Medicine questions Who is considered the father of modern anatomy? Vesalius 1184 Erasistratus 419 Herophilos 546 Hippocrates 1529 Andreas Vesalius was a Belgian born anatomist and physician, born in 1514 into a family of physicians. He is considered the father of modern anatomy and his work the beginning of modern medicine. In 1543, at the young age of 29, Vesalius published his most important work, De Humani Corporis Fabrica Libri Septem (Seven Books on the Fabric of the Human Body), generally known as the Fabrica. The Fabrica is the most famous anatomy book ever written and also the first book on human anatomy to be reasonably accurate. Ts Share and bring new players to the game! 0 Very uninteresting Too difficult Poorly written Incorrect or questionable Correct this question wikipedia → Andreas Vesalius 3 Very interesting! History of Science questions How many chromosomes do people have? 16 184 23 1943 32 769 46 3501 In humans, each cell normally contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, for a total of 46. Twenty-two of these pairs, called autosomes, look the same in both males and females. The 23rd pair, the sex chromosomes, differ between males and females. Ts Share and bring new players to the game! 0 Very uninteresting Too difficult Poorly written Incorrect or questionable Correct this question wikipedia → Chromosome 3 Very interesting! Genetics questions Which part of the body is oxytocin produced in? In the pituitary gland 1346 In the hypothalamus. 1056 In the adrenals. 677 In the thyroid gland. 272 In the hypothalamus, oxytocin is made in magnocellular neurosecretory cells of the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei, and is stored in Herring bodies at the axon terminals in the posterior pituitary. It is then released into the blood from the posterior lobe (neurohypophysis) of the pituitary gland. Saskia Share and bring new players to the game! 0 Very uninteresting Too difficult Poorly written Incorrect or questionable Correct this question wikipedia → Oxytocin 4 Very interesting! Biology questions Which "axis" plays an important role in maintaining normal brain function? Symmetry axis of the brain 138 Hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis 382 Intestinal-pancreatic axis 56 Gut–brain axis 187 The gut–brain axis is the biochemical signaling that takes place between the gastrointestinal tract and the central nervous system. Changes in the composition of the gut flora due to diet, drugs, or disease correlate with changes in levels of circulating cytokines, some of which can affect brain function. The gut flora also release molecules that can directly activate the vagus nerve. Around 70% of people with autism also have gastrointestinal problems, indicating that there may be a connection between autism and gut flora. Saskia Share and bring new players to the game! 0 Very uninteresting Too difficult Poorly written Incorrect or questionable Correct this question wikipedia → Gut–brain axis 4 Very interesting! Physiology questions How many parts can be distinguished in the cerebellum? it is not divided into parts 429 2 353 3 335 4 110 The cerebellum (Latin for "little brain") is a major feature of the hindbrain of all vertebrates. In humans, the cerebellum plays an important role in motor control. It may also be involved in some cognitive functions such as attention and language as well as in regulating fear and pleasure responses. Based on the surface appearance, three lobes can be distinguished within the cerebellum: the anterior lobe (above the primary fissure), the posterior lobe (below the primary fissure), and the flocculonodular lobe (below the posterior fissure). Saskia Share and bring new players to the game! 0 Very uninteresting Too difficult Poorly written Incorrect or questionable Correct this question wikipedia → Cerebellum#Microanatomy 4 Very interesting! Brain questions Part of which organ is the endocardium? Heart 5618 Kidney 405 Livers 372 Stomach 294 The endocardium is the innermost layer of tissue that lines the chambers of the heart. Its cells are embryologically and biologically similar to the endothelial cells that line blood vessels. The endocardium also provides protection to the valves and heart chambers. I know Share and bring new players to the game! 0 Very uninteresting Too difficult Poorly written Incorrect or questionable Correct this question wikipedia → Endocardium 5 Very interesting! Science questions Which gland does TSH stimulate? Thymus 219 Adrenal glands 256 Thyroid glands 2289 Hypothalamus 210 Thyroid-stimulating hormone (also known as thyrotropin, thyrotropic hormone, or abbreviated TSH) is a pituitary hormone that stimulates the thyroid gland to produce thyroxine, and then triiodothyronine which stimulates the metabolism of almost every tissue in the body. I know Share and bring new players to the game! 0 Very uninteresting Too difficult Poorly written Incorrect or questionable Correct this question wikipedia → Thyroid-stimulating hormone 4 Very interesting! Medicine questions What disease is caused by trisomy 21? Asperger syndrome 1243 cri-du-chat (cat meowing syndrome) 370 Down syndrome 8973 Patau syndrome 437 Most cases of Down syndrome are caused by trisomy 21. Occasionally, the extra chromosome #21 or a portion of it is attached to another chromosome in the egg or sperm; this may cause "translocation Down syndrome." This is the only form of Down syndrome that may be inherited from a parent. it is not easy Share and bring new players to the game! 0 Very uninteresting Too difficult Poorly written Incorrect or questionable Correct this question 4 Very interesting! Diseases questions How many types of permanent teeth has an adult? 4 2874 2 375 5 496 1 256 Adult has 32 teeth (16 in jaw and 16 in lower jaw). kjalv Share and bring new players to the game! 0 Very uninteresting Too difficult Poorly written Incorrect or questionable Correct this question wikipedia → Human tooth 3 Very interesting! Dentistry questions --> Play and see more questions Human anatomy quiz