
Pacific Ocean quiz

16 questions (10 in a single game)
-- correct answers
0% of all games finished with 0 points
2% of all games finished with 1 points
6% of all games finished with 2 points
3% of all games finished with 3 points
8% of all games finished with 4 points
10% of all games finished with 5 points
24% of all games finished with 6 points
26% of all games finished with 7 points
13% of all games finished with 8 points
1% of all games finished with 9 points
0% of all games finished with 10 points
Your score is better than -- of players and the same as --.
based on results of 102 players

Country averages

1 Australia
60%(348/577)AU flag
2 the United States
53%(2670/4979)US flag
3 Austria
52%(328/630)AT flag
4 Germany
51%(1985/3836)DE flag
5 the United Kingdom
47%(1194/2512)GB flag
6 Poland
42%(55325/131151)PL flag
7 Canada
41%(212/511)CA flag
8 India
34%(431/1264)IN flag

High scores

Erik Roovers