questionedithistorytranslationsHow many toes do cats have? 20181622Cats typically have 5 toes on their front paws and 4 on their back paws.TsShare and bring new players to the game!0Very uninterestingToo difficultPoorly writtenIncorrect or questionableCorrect this question7Very interesting! Grzegorz Adachreach: rather globalanimalscatszoologyCats quizZoology quizAnimals quiz You will play as Answers by country20181622answersAustralia0%84%10%5%19Greece8%58%25%8%12the United States23%52%17%6%73India9%48%27%12%33the United Kingdom15%46%34%3%32Germany28%36%27%7%138Austria29%35%26%8%34Poland28%30%32%8%2674Switzerland36%27%27%9%11How do baby birds get oxygen inside their eggs?They have a large oxygen supply from the startOxygen is created during protein reductionOxygen comes in through pores in the shellThey don't need oxygen at allWhich dogs are known to eat fish?Irish Water SpanielDingoNewfoulandPortuguese Water DogWhat color is octopus blood?redbluegreenyellowThe breed in the picture is:American curlEuropean curlPersianMeine coon