questionedithistorytranslationsHow many pawns are there on a chessboard at the start of a chess game? 8163264There are 8 white and 8 black pawns.globalquiz.orgShare and bring new players to the game!0Very uninterestingToo difficultPoorly writtenIncorrect or questionableCorrect this question0Very interesting! Liz Westreach: rather globalchessgamesChess quizGames quiz You will play as Answers by country8163264answersRepublic of Ireland0%92%7%0%14the Netherlands8%91%0%0%12Germany21%64%11%2%141Spain28%64%7%0%14Australia21%63%6%9%33the United Kingdom19%60%13%5%73India34%55%6%2%158Austria14%55%25%3%27Switzerland35%55%0%5%20the United States38%54%4%1%184Poland17%48%29%3%8133Greece8%41%41%8%12Canada58%33%8%0%12What was the tarot deck used for during the Middle Ages?spellcastingfuture tellingsolitaireentertainment gamesWhat is the sum of the opposite sides of a dice?5678What is the sum of all the numbers on the roulette wheel?6006667831000What happens if a chess player wants to promote his pawn to a queen (after reaching the eighth rank), but his queen is still on the chessboard?he must choose another piecehe must wait until the queen is availablehe wins the gamehe may use any item as the extra queen