questionedithistorytranslationsHow many people live in Poland? 28 mln34 mln38 mln42 mln38 mln people live in Poland.PlatonShare and bring new players to the game!-1Very uninterestingToo difficultPoorly writtenIncorrect or questionableCorrect this questionwikipedia → Poland4Very interesting! Gut Porter wikipedia → Polandreach: rather globaldemographypeoplePolandDemography quizPoland quizPeople quiz You will play as Answers by country28 mln34 mln38 mln42 mlnanswersRepublic of Ireland0%0%89%10%19Poland2%6%85%5%1668Germany1%6%84%6%59Canada0%9%81%9%11the United Kingdom3%18%67%7%53Greece0%7%64%28%14the United States11%21%61%4%42Australia13%20%46%20%15India40%10%40%10%10Among which people, women tattooed their mouth?AinuJapaneseMongolsTibetiansThe sanguine person...has an optimistic attitudehas a pessimistic attitudehas a realistic attitudeis a melancholic or a romanticWhat is the density of Finland's population?52 people / km²123 people / km²16 people / km²25 people / km²Which of the following are included in tree-dwelling carnivorous mammals?fennec mongoosecivetlinsang