questionedithistorytranslationsTranslate this question Globalquiz questions are translated by users for other users. English languageHow many strings does a violin have? threefourfivesixMost violins have four strings tuned G-D-A-E (perfect fifths). There are also violins with as many as seven strings. The extra strings on such violins typically are lower in pitch than the G-string.globalquiz.orgShare and bring new players to the game!0Very uninterestingToo difficultPoorly writtenIncorrect or questionableCorrect this questionwikipedia → Violin0Very interesting! Polish languageIle strun mają skrzypce? trzyczterypięćsześćSkrzypce mają zazwyczaj cztery struny strojone G-D-A-E (kwintami). Istnieją także skrzypce o większej ilości strun - zazwyczaj dodawane są struny basowe.złomiarzShare and bring new players to the game!0Very uninterestingToo difficultPoorly writtenIncorrect or questionableCorrect this question0Very interesting! German languageWie viele Saiten haben eine Geige? 3456Die Violine hat normalerweise vier gestimmte Saiten bestehen aus Naturdarm, der mit Silber- oder Aluminiumdraht umsponnen sein kann, aus Kunststoff oder Stahldraht.TsShare and bring new players to the game!0Very uninterestingToo difficultPoorly writtenIncorrect or questionableCorrect this questionwikipedia → Violine1Very interesting!