questionedithistorytranslations5 raised to a power of 0 is ... 015Can not raising to a power 0Every number raised to a power 0 is 1.lukasz PolandShare and bring new players to the game!0Very uninterestingToo difficultPoorly writtenIncorrect or questionableCorrect this question3Very interesting! Ikusakovreach: rather globalmathematicsnumbersNumbers quizMathematics quiz You will play as Answers by country015Can not raising to a power 0answersthe Netherlands9%81%9%0%11Australia10%75%10%5%20Greece30%70%0%0%10Poland16%66%9%7%5293India21%64%10%3%57Germany30%60%6%3%30the United States23%58%9%7%77Canada20%40%20%20%10the United Kingdom40%38%11%8%59Pakistan38%30%15%15%13Republic of Ireland27%9%9%54%11What is the sum of the opposite sides of a dice?5678Augustus was born on 1 January 10BC. Which birthday did he celebrate at 1 January 10AD?19202180How many edges does a Möbius strip have?onetwothreefour2×3!=...61224None of the answers are correct