questionedithistorytranslations2×3!=... 61224None of the answers are correct2×3!= 2×(1×2×3)= 2×6=12lukasz PolandShare and bring new players to the game!0Very uninterestingToo difficultPoorly writtenIncorrect or questionableCorrect this question3Very interesting! Averaterreach: rather globalmathematicsnumbersNumbers quizMathematics quiz You will play as Answers by country61224None of the answers are correctanswersIndia13%74%4%4%43the United States20%65%10%5%40Greece0%50%0%50%10Poland31%45%8%14%4642Germany45%40%4%9%22the United Kingdom28%36%13%21%38Australia18%36%18%27%11Republic of Ireland27%9%18%45%11Which number is considered unlucky in East Asia?341240Which numeral system was in use in ancient Sumer and Babylon?octalbinarydecimalsexagesimalWhat is the sum of all the numbers on the roulette wheel?6006667831000A triangle can NOT have sides of ...1cm, 2cm, 3cm4cm, 5cm, 6cm7cm, 8cm, 9cmAll of the answers are correct