questionedithistorytranslations English language This question is under evaluation. added by wisdom on the world Oct. 6, 2023, 10:58 a.m. What bird is the symbol of Uganda? Southern cassowaryGrey crowned craneRoss's turacoGreat blue turacoThe gray crowned crane is a symbol of Uganda, present on the country's flag and coat of arms. It lives in savannahs. It is omnivorous and eats, among others: insects, frogs, leaves, grass seeds.wisdom on the world wikipedia → Grey crowned cranereach: rather globalAfricabirdsnatureornitologysymbolsUganda Polish languageJaki ptak jest symbolem Ugandy ? kazuar hełmiastykoronnik szaryturak czerwonoczubyszyszakKoronnik szary jest symbolem Ugandy, obecny na fladze i herbie tego kraju. Przebywa na sawannach. Jest wszystkożerny je np. owady, żaby, liście, nasiona traw. LogikaShare and bring new players to the game!0Very uninterestingToo difficultPoorly writtenIncorrect or questionableCorrect this questionwikipedia → Koronniki14Very interesting!