questionedithistorytranslationsTranslate this question Globalquiz questions are translated by users for other users. English languageWhat is the highest school grade in Germany? 6351In Germany the lowest grade is the best, the highest is the worst.Katarzyna DąbrowskaShare and bring new players to the game!0Very uninterestingToo difficultPoorly writtenIncorrect or questionableCorrect this question3Very interesting! Polish languageJaka ocena w szkole w Niemczech jest najwyższa? 6351W Niemczech jest odwrócony system oceniania niż w Polsce np. ocena 6 w Niemczech to 1. Lucoa .Share and bring new players to the game!0Very uninterestingToo difficultPoorly writtenIncorrect or questionableCorrect this question3Very interesting! German languageWelche Schulnote in Deutschland entspricht der Bewertung "Sehr gut" 6.0 3.0 5.0 1.0 Dieses System wird am häufigsten in der Schule Deutschlands angewendet. 1.0 Sehr gut 2.0 Gut 3.0 Befriedigend 4.0 Ausreichend 5.0 Mangelhaft 6.0 UngenügendTsShare and bring new players to the game!0Very uninterestingToo difficultPoorly writtenIncorrect or questionableCorrect this questionwikipedia → Schulnote#Deutschland3Very interesting!