questionedithistorytranslationsTranslate this question Globalquiz questions are translated by users for other users. English languageThis is the flag of ... TuvaluNiueTaiwanSakhalin OblastOn the left of the flag is the actual island of Sakhalin. The smaller islands on the right are the Kuril Islands.Aloo24Share and bring new players to the game!0Very uninterestingToo difficultPoorly writtenIncorrect or questionableCorrect this questionwikipedia → Sakhalin Oblast1Very interesting! Polish languageCzego to jest flaga? TuvaluNiueTajwanuObwódu sachalińskiego w RosjiPo lewej stronie flagi znajduje się wyspa Sachalin. Pozostałe wyspy, znajdujące się po stronie lewej to wyspy Kurylskie.EwaShare and bring new players to the game!0Very uninterestingToo difficultPoorly writtenIncorrect or questionableCorrect this question2Very interesting! German languageZu welchem Land gehört diese Flagge? TuvaluNiueTaiwanOblast SachalinAuf der linken Seite der Flagge ist die Insel Sachalin. Die restlichen Inseln auf der rechten Seite sind die Kurilen.FabienneShare and bring new players to the game!0Very uninterestingToo difficultPoorly writtenIncorrect or questionableCorrect this questionwikipedia → Oblast Sachalin0Very interesting!