questionedithistorytranslationsTranslate this question Globalquiz questions are translated by users for other users. English languageWhat painting is not Vincent van Gogh the author of? Knee-length Figure of a Man in an Oriental DressStill Life with Cabbage and ClogsTwo Women in the MoorWeaver Facing Right (Half-Figure)The Knee-length Figure of a Man in an Oriental Dress was painted by Rembrandt in 1632. The other paintings was made by Vincent van Gogh.synapsaaShare and bring new players to the game!-1Very uninterestingToo difficultPoorly writtenIncorrect or questionableCorrect this questionwikipedia → List of works by Vincent van Gogh4Very interesting! Polish languageKtórego obrazu nie namalował Vincent van Gogh? Mężczyzna w stroju orientalnymMartwa natura z kapustą i drewniakamiDwie chłopki kopiące torfTkacz zwrócony w prawo Mężczyzna w stroju orientalnym to dzieło Rembrandta z 1632 roku, pozostałe namalował Vincent van Gogh.Ksena🌷Share and bring new players to the game!-1Very uninterestingToo difficultPoorly writtenIncorrect or questionableCorrect this questionwikipedia → Vincent van Gogh2Very interesting!