questionedithistorytranslationsHow many European countries begins with the letter P? 0123This is of course Poland and Portugal.Mazur MagdaShare and bring new players to the game!0Very uninterestingToo difficultPoorly writtenIncorrect or questionableCorrect this questionwww.countries-ofthe-world.com3Very interesting! Sceptre www.countries-ofthe-world.comreach: rather globalEuropegeographyEurope quizGeography quiz You will play as Answers by country0123answersItaly0%2%97%0%44France0%6%93%0%15Austria0%0%91%8%12Thailand0%16%83%0%12Spain0%8%83%8%12Germany0%5%78%13%95Greece0%6%78%15%32Republic of Ireland0%11%76%11%17Poland0%10%72%15%3391the United States4%18%66%9%172the United Kingdom1%20%62%14%138the Netherlands3%15%61%19%26Israel0%21%57%21%14Australia9%27%50%13%22India4%27%50%18%22Canada0%20%46%20%15What was the reason to build Canberra for Australian capital, rather than selecting one of the existing large cities?safe location far from the seawish of the Indigenous Australianslow land pricedispute between Sydney and MelbourneWhich country other than USA named its capital after the president of the United States?Solomon IslandsLiberiaSomaliaPanamaWhere in the world does slavery still occur at the largest scale?in Sri Lankain Colombiain Mauritaniain Saudi ArabiaHow many countries begins with the letter "O"?0123